“Everyone has their own tastes, so why should we all have the same search results? The new Sluurpy app learns what you like and takes you to places youll love.Sluurpy helps you search for and discover great places, anywhere in the world.Ready for new food ventures? Download the all-new Sluurpy now.Do you want to keep in touch and meet your friends? Do you want to enjoy a delicious meal? We can help you choose the best place to dine in any city in the world: from restaurants, serving haute cuisine to places with the best value for money. Discover new restaurants, cafes, bars in your city and as you travel. Compare reviews from Tripadvisor, Google, Zomato, Yelp and make your choice. With Sluurpy, its very easy to find the best place to eat.- Tell Sluurpy’s artificial intelligence what you like, so it can get to know you. All searches will be tailored to your tastes, past reviews, and recommendations from friends and experts you trust.- Look for restaurants, bars, Winehouse, pubs and more. Find out whats nearby or plan where youre going. When you get to a place, find out tips from people who know it: whats best to order or things not to miss. Follow people or trend-setters whose tastes you trust and view their recommendations first. Connect with your Apple, Google and Facebook accounts and see what your friends nearby have liked.set the type of restaurant: BBQ, fast food, cafe, coffee shop, disco, dessert, pubs & bars, restaurant, steakhouse;choose the cuisine: from the most common (pizza, sushi, Vegetarian, Italian, Chinese, Mexican, French, Japanese) to the most exotic (Lao, Oceanic, Philippine, Ecuadorian); Filter restaurants: from the cheapest to the most expensive places. Analyze all restaurant information: menus, opening hours, contact details and addresses, photos and official sites;form an objective impression about a place by reading reliable reviews from experts and visitors;select a city or town of interest and take a look at the best restaurants in that location; enjoy advanced restaurant searches and visitor reviews. Type delicious calamari alla romana and discover the places where you can taste the tastiest fish in your location.Enjoy your next meal!Term e condition: https://www.sluurpy.it/sluurpysocial_terms.html